Sunday, November 30, 2014

Developing and Managing Products

Guess Inc., uses Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to prepare the report. The GRI is an international organization developed with representatives from business, environmental, and human rights communities. The Guidelines cover environmental impacts, labor practices, human rights, product responsibility, and community impacts, providing a flexible reporting system that allows the omission. Guess is a brand that offers a variety of products presented with a variety of new-product strategy. The brand has been renovating the fall and even spring line and creating products for each kind of person. Guess always presents new products to the market, by this way the store always looks fresh with new products introduction. Almost every month the brand put out new products which is consider the biggest part of the strategy. The brand innovates their products, for this reason the product can obtain an effective life cycle giving profit to the company. A new product must be presented to the market with a excellent marketing strategy with a clear target market and good quality.        

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