Sunday, October 19, 2014

Consumer Decision Making

With Guess although a high end retail brand there merchandise follows the latest trend of the season. Guess is not considered sophisticated more around the lines edgy and chic. The brand name alone grabs consumers to make a decisions through there popularity. Many consumers like to shop by brand or quality of the brand which guess has a fair mixture of. Guess has a tactful influence on consumers decision making by creating awareness of their product and persuading consumers that their product are trendy and is relevant to their needs. this company like many are not a afraid to draw in consumers by the packaging of the product to attract more and new costumers. This company likes to offer discounts online and in store purchases in order to keep and make new consumers.  Guess has a out-lit store meaning that you can purchase goods at reasonable prices the only catch is that it is last season clothing instead of there new releases. To say the least Guess has a well balanced relationship with current consumers and are willing to accommodate for new comers as well.

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