Saturday, October 4, 2014

Marketing Enviroment

With GUESS? has weather attire for every occasion. Although Guess target is high end when it comes rain, snow, sleet, or even sunshine you can guarantee merchandise to go with weather conditions. Guess has about 747 stories world wide with international licenses and distributors. There products sell online, wholesale  accounts, and of course in store as well. They cater to parents, grandparents, young adults to toddlers, and infants of both genders. The this that Guess relies solely on  the stability of the economy. People of most backgrounds, age groups, and culture can automatically recognize what logo there looking at. The genius behind the logo put this company at a advantage because its well recognized and during economic slowdowns they can still expand. That being said they can still connect with consumers through hardship during recessions.  Guess is known for being flexible and considerate for consumers needs that the change for with the environment and region. Like any company Guess has competition such as Levi, The Gap, American Eagle, and Ralph Laruen. They have an advantage over competitors for being will known brand and diverse products. Guess is also known for costumer interaction and helping pinpointing costumers wants and needs. The way Guess operates has help them stay successful for over 30 years so as long as the are willing to adapt and change according to economy, region, and culture they will stay strong.

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