Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ethics & Social Responsibility

Ethics has many meanings to different people and companies. For GUESS? there is a code that applies to every director, officer and employee of GUESS?, INC. In addition to the ethical guidelines included in this Code, there are many laws and regulations that affect the in each of the markets where they do business.
Guess gives back by donating old denim in started in April 2008 and give it "NEW LIFE" by turning it into UTRA TOUCH natural fiber insolation. This particular project gave consumers a 10% discount that gave an old piece of denim back the discount used by purchase of new guess jeans. Each year GUESS? does their part to give back in there own way. All of employees are expected to protect and enhance the assets and reputation of GUESS?. Honesty and integrity are cornerstones of ethical behavior - and trustworthiness and dependability are essential to lasting relationships. In our rapidly evolving business, each of us is challenged by a complex environment that often requires fast responses under pressure. Accordingly, rather than a set of specific rules, this Code emphasizes a standard of ethical conduct that must permeate all business dealings and relationships.

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